You can treat yourself to a full-fledged rest even on weekdays. The combination of good food and relaxation in the wellness area works wonders, and at a discounted weekday price. This package can only be booked on Sunday - Friday for 2 - 5 nights.
Cena ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji pro 2 osoby při přímé rezervaci již od 7 180 Kč.
The price varies depending on the selected date and room.
The price varies depending on the selected date and room.
The services listed in the stay package are always for 2 people.
Platnost balíčku do 22. 12. 2025 (neplatí v období Velikonoc, Vánoc a Silvestra).
GIVE A GIFT Gourmet stay for two (2 nights) for the price 8 240 Kč ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji Comfort s platností gift voucher do 22. 12. 2025. Platnost pobytu vždy ve dnech neděle – pátek (nejzažší možný den odjezdu) kromě státních svátků a prázdnin. (Not valid during spring break, Easter, Christmas and New Year's Eve.) A romantic stay for two (2 nights) for the price of CZK 8,790 in a double room with a gift voucher valid until 22 December 2024. (Not valid during spring holidays, Easter, Christmas and New Year's Eve.) The gift voucher cannot be exchanged for cash or returned.
Accommodations for 2 people in the selected room / apartment
Welcome drink on arrival
Rich buffet breakfast
Welcome gift
1x Vstup do whirlpool s VIP balíčkem (bowl of fresh fruit, bottle of sparkling wine) (45 minutes)
1x 2-course festive dinner v zimní zahradě pro 2 osoby (sezónní nabídka)
1x Gurmánské prkénko (domácí uzené, pečivo) s pivem (0.3 L) for 2 people
Free entry to the pool for the entire duration of the stay (depending on the capacity of the pool)
Unlimited WiFi connection and private parking at the hotel
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